
Lisa Candiloro

Lisa Candiloro
Woodland Hills, California
Toll-Free: 800-347-4447
Direct Line: (303) 495-0504
Lisa Candiloro, an Entertainment Travel Advisor, manages the business and leisure travel of some of Hollywood's highest profile stars delivering second-to-none travel experiences for a wide variety of clients for Plaza Travel. With more than 25 years of experience, Lisa's core specialty is Hawaii and South Pacific destinations. Due to the evolving demands of her growing client base, she has expanded her expertise to Europe, Africa and South America. Lisa has been fortunate to gain a first -hand knowledge of a majority of the destinations that she promotes, giving her a distinct advantage when making recommendations for vacation, honeymoon and business travel locations.
Lisa Candiloro


By Destination

By Interest

  • Airfares
  • entertainment
  • Luxury Travel
  • Private Jet Charter
  • Villas